Wednesday, August 8, 2018


The July 4, 1889 issue of the Bossier Banner announced the success of the Vanceville Tournament held a few days earlier.

“According to published announcement, the tournament, barbecue and basket dinner and ball took place at Vanceville, this parish, on last Thursday and Thursday night, 27th ultimo, and was a big success it was in every sense of the word.”

“The fifteen knights were: SILVER STARS—S.N. Arnold, AMERICA—J.M. Belcher, CRESCENT CITY—E.A. Carmouche, UNKNOWN—J.F. Etheridge, LANCE—G.E.Gilmer, NO PRETENSIONS—T.Y. Graham, SOUTHERN CROSS—W.T.Gracey, HOPE—R.B. Hill, OLD DOMINION—R.R.T. Herron, HONEY GROVE—Leon Haas, STAR AND CRESCENT—T.J. Oglesby, GOLD POINT—W.W. Rushing, ANCHORAGE—J.H. Stinson, IN BLUE—W.A. Wyche, LOST CAUSE—F.M. VICKERS.”

“Mr. J.F. Etheridge, the successful knight, crowned Miss Mary Gilmer Queen of Love and Beauty.”

“Mr. W.A. Wyche crowned Miss Lucy Stinson first Maid of Honor.”

“Mr. R.J. Herron crowned Miss Birdie Meares second Maid of Honor.”

“Mr. J.H. Stinson crowned Miss Bessie Carmouche third Maid of Honor.”

Mr. D.F. Stephenson, Knight of ‘The Sunflower,’ crowned Miss Mollie Vance ‘Queen of the Sunflower.’”

A.J. Murff, Esq., of this place, was present and addressed the people by invitation, and his speech was listened to with marked attention by the large crowd.”

“After the speaking came dinner. The good wives and daughters of Bossier can always be counted on or assistance on such occasions in providing good things to eat, and this occasion was no exception to the rule. We have long since exhausted our vocabulary of words in describing the excellent dinners always served on these occasions.—Suffice it for us to say that the spread was simply grand and a true reflex of the efforts in the culinary department of the good ladies in the Vanceville neighborhood.”

Yes, there actually were tournaments in Bossier Parish in the 1880’s. Learn more about them by visiting the Bossier Parish Libraries History Center.

By: Ann Middleton

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