A Young Man Kills His Father's Murderer
A correspondent of a New Orleans paper writes from Shreveport, under date of April 8th as follows:
Our usually quiet, very orderly and law abiding city was thrown into great excitement to-day about dinner time, by the discharge of two shots from a double-barreled shotgun in the hands of a wild young man, eighteen years of age, named Martin Talley, Jr., on Market Street, about a square from the Brooks House. Coming from an alley, he approached very near without speaking a word to his victim, Elias O'Neil, of Bossier Parish, and fired one barrel into his face killing him instantly; but after O'Neil fell, put the gun to his head and discharged the other barrel, charged with buckshot, completely tearing his head to pieces. By the first shot, he, it is feared, also mortally wounded Dr. L.S. Fisher, who was conversing with O'Neil, blowing out one eye and horribly disfiguring him. Dr. Fisher has recently moved here and is not as well known here as O'Neil, who was almost forty-five years of age, and long a resident of the neighboring parish. Mr. O'Neil, last August, near the same place where he was murdered, killed the father of his murderer in a gambling difficulty, and this retribution has come to him. Young Talley attempted to escape, but was captured at once and conveyed to prison. It is a sad event viewed from any point...especially it is sad in regard to Dr. Fisher, who was innocent in every respect, and it is to be most sincerely hoped he may recover.
We will be checking our newspaper collection to see what locals had to say about the murder.
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