In its January 26, 1928 issue The Bossier Banner reported on a very large acreage that sold for a very large amount of money in 1928 dollars.
“What is the largest land deal in many years was enumerated here last week when W. G. Burt of Benton sold to Jasper N. Smith, of El Dorado, Ark., 640 acres of river land on Kingston Plantation, five miles south of Benton, for $80,000. The property sold was the west half of section sixteen, and the south half of section seventeen, range thirteen.”
“Less than a year ago Mr. Burt sold to W. C. Hughes, of Hughes Spur, the western portion of Kingston, along with a store building fronting on the Bossier-Benton Road. The tract sold last week fronts on the Tidwell Road or eastern portion of the plantation, Mr. Burt reserving something like 320 acres between the two tracts for himself.”
“Mr. Burt in obtaining $125 an acre for this land, attributed his success to the development of roads near the property, the parish and state recently letting a paving project commencing at Bossier and extending 13 miles north to Benton. Mr. T. S. Clements, the successful contractor for the paving project, will commence the paving immediately.”
“Mr. Smith, who purchased the Kingston tract, will farm it this year, Mr. Burt stated. Hon. W. C. Hughes, who for many years has been located at Hughes Spur, has placed Mr. Sam McCall in charge of his store there and has ordered his Banner changed to Benton Route No. One, where he will spend the major portion of his time at his Kingston store.”
If we think that we have no privacy in 2016, it appears that there was little privacy in 1928 as well. At least today the price we pay for our property is not the subject of a newspaper article.
The property purchased by Jasper N. Smith in 1928 is today occupied by St. Jude Catholic Church and Kingston Plantation subdivision in Benton.
To find out more about property histories in Bossier Parish plan to visit the Bossier Parish Library Historical Center.
By: Ann Middleton
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