Wednesday, July 25, 2018


The July 1, 1859 issue of The Bossier Banner announced that there was to be a free fish-fry “given at the ‘Inabnett bluff,’ near Bellevue on Monday, the 4th inst. Now everyone is expected to be in attendance who desire to enjoy the ‘fisherman’s luck,’ to their heart’s content on the ‘[glorious] fourth.’ For remember dear readers, this is our national day of jubilee—when the eagle, that proud bird of liberty, flew aloft [and] devoured the English lion.” The fish fry was described in the July 8, 1859 issue the following week.

“The Fourth of July Fish-Fry which came off on that renown day of ‘American integrity,’ at the Inabnett Bluff, near this place, passed off very pleasantly—only a too sudden visitation of the watery element somewhat checked the fun and frolic of the participants. Bossier’s beauties, a portion of them, gathered there with smiles and sunshine, sending for miles around the warmth of their affections for the love of –the Fourth! A friend who was present informed us that he couldn’t for the soul of him tell which was the best—the ‘Fourth’ or the ladies. Both we expect. We are sorry that we were not present ourself, to test the matter and bear witness to the beauty and patriotism of the [fairest] maidens. We would have given a sight draft of twenty-five cents, on the Police Jury to have been present on the occasion. But they got along very well without us—not even once missing our absence. Such is the envied fortune of an editor.”

“We understand that there was any amount of ‘gallantry’ displayed on the occasion, by the young gentlemen—they all stood off at distance, in sq[u]ads, and looked on—probably thinking that ‘distance leads enchantment to the view,’ particular when the ladies will insist upon wearing such large hoops!”

Read more issues of the pre-Civil War The Bossier Banner by visiting the Bossier Parish Libraries History Center.

By: Ann Middleton

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