“One of the Banner’s old-time friends and a constant subscriber is L.C. Snider, prominent insurance man of Rockford, Ills. Lately, while sending in his renewal subscription, he took time to pen a newsy letter, telling of extreme weather in Rockford this summer and last winter and commenting on old times and former friends back at old Bellevue.”
“The letter, because of its interesting nature, is printed here in full.”
“September 23, 1936
Benton, La.
Dear Banner:
I am enclosing my check for $3.75 to cover three years subscription to The Banner, as per statement enclosed.
I was interested in a statement appearing in a recent issue of the Banner about the character of the weather we have been having this year. This article said the highest temperature ever recorded in Benton or Bossier Parish was 110 degrees in the shade and this year a maximum of 109 ½ degrees was reached. Well, here in Rockford, which is about 42 degrees north latitude against approximately 32 degrees north latitude for Benton, we had an official temperature in July of this year of 112 degrees. In February we had 24 degrees below zero, and that’s variety, climatically speaking, I would say.”
W. H. Scanland, Jr. washing down the handset type forms. Scanland Collection: 0000.004.167 |
“Mr. J. T. Manry was a great friend of my father’s, as was also the late lamented N.W. Sentell. I remember Mr. Manry very well. Well, after all, there are no friends like old friends and, as I sit musing over boyhood scenes, I can see the faces if many of those stalwart man and women now long since resting serenely in burial spots scattered here and there throughout the parish. Stalwart citizens, whose virtues were many and whose achievements are a permanent record in the communities in which they lived.”
“Wishing ‘The Banner’ continued prosperity, I am, Sincerely yours, L.C.Snider.”
The Bossier Parish Libraries History Center offers many remembrances such as this one. Come by and enjoy reading them.
By: Ann Middleton
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