In its October 27, 1938 issue the Bossier Banner issued an invitation to all Bossier residents to attend a Halloween party.
“There will be a community Halloween party, at the vacant Martiner house at Red Land, Halloween night, Monday, October 31st, given for the benefit of the church, Sunday School, B.Y.P.U. [Baptist Young People’s Union] and Women’s Home Demonstration Club. Admission will be 1 cent and there will be laughs and thrills galore.”
“There will be a style show featuring the 300-pound Miss Flossie Frailjoy, Miss Tiny Terwiller, standing six feet or more in her stocking feet, Flatfoot Flugie, Black Eyed Susan Brown and many others.”
Those present may have their fortune told by the witch, drink some of her brew, take a chance on the surprise packages and visit the fishing pond.”
“There will be jokes, readings and ghost stories. A specialty tap dance by ‘Small Fry’ and Tishy Lish is planned. Last, but not least, for a few extra pennies all can visit the chamber of horrors where they’ll see the murdered man himself, and Blue Beard’s wives and many more things to make one’s hair stand on end and that will curdle the blood. Come out and have a good time, while helping a good cause.”
Find out more about how Bossier Parish residents celebrated holidays by visiting the Bossier Parish Libraries History Center.
By: Ann Middleton
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