September: Through the years
Sep. 2, 1920: Weekly news from 100 years ago
* First cotton of the season was ginned.
Left: Bossier Banner Right: Bell and Sentell Cotton Gin on Lynch Street in Plain Dealing. The gins would run day and night, ginning cotton. It was said that farmers would sleep in their wagons to save their place in line. 1997.054.121 Findley Collection |

Boyd Montgomery was on the sick list.
Left: Bossier Banner
Right: Bank of Benton Officials L to R: V.V. Whittington (Pres), A.M. Wallace (V.P.), J.A. Dunnan (cashier), Tom A. Tidwell (director) Boyd Montgomery (director) 1998.046.085 Price Collection |

Crouch and family made their way through town in his car.
Left: Bossier Banner Right: Charlie Ivy Crouch, his wife Ellen Mae Currey Crouch, and daughter Carrie Belle Crouch
Sep. 12, 1972: Tim Dement arrived home from competing in the Munich Olumpic Games. He was greeted by family, friends and fans. He was the first Louisiana Boxer to represent the United States at the Olympics since 1932.
*All images are from the Bossier Press
Sept 20—23, 1940: Happy Anniversary Bossier Parish Libraries….Celebrating 80 years of service in our community.
Bossier Banner: Sep. 26, 1940

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